Regret or Recommend

Wedding Choices to Learn From


Despite spending a year or so combing through each factor contributing to a wedding, when a bride is planning it herself, odds are some choices will be a hit and some will be a miss. It can be difficult to predict how one will feel on the wedding day, what others may do (or not do), or which direction storms may come from. To help you navigate the unpredictable waters, several recent brides share the top choices they regret and those they recommend.


The Garter Toss



I regret doing a garter toss. I was on the fence about whether or not to include one, and ultimately decided to do it. But, in hindsight, I wish I’d opted not to. I realized that it’s not only corny, but it’s also objectifying the bride. Unfortunately, these things didn’t occur to me until it was happening. You can tell by my tense smile in the photos of that moment—I was not about it. My garter was my Something Blue, but I wish now I’d just gone with my blue pedicure and nixed the garter toss.



Using a Wedding Planning Website



I used and got more out of it than expected. Through the site I was able to organize and plan my entire wedding, send out digital invitations and was provided alternative websites for low-cost mailed invitations as well. Also, the site “calendars” all important events and gives you constant reminders for deadlines. It was honestly the best, especially for someone like me who must have things organized down to the millisecond. 




Not Filming the Ceremony


Though the photos are amazing, how special it would be to have the ceremony recorded on video. It did not really occur to me that I would not get to see the processional. With as much effort as went into selecting the bridal party attire, pairing escorts, choosing the harpist's songs, and practicing the ceremony, I would have loved to see how it all came together from an outside view.




Choosing Aesthetic Over Comfort


I regret not having the ceremony in the “shadier” spot of the venue. There were two options on the venue property to hold the ceremony, and aesthetically the spot I chose was more pleasing to the eye, however there was no shade, and my wedding was at the end of May. Basically, my guest roasted under a relentless summer sun until the reception. Luckily, the ceremony was only 30 minutes and we started on time, so my guests were not out in direct heat for too long.




Photos Before the Ceremony


I highly recommend photos before the ceremony. It’s so convenient to get the photos done ahead of time so that once the ceremony is over, you can go straight into the reception and enjoy the food and fun. Another benefit is having your makeup fresh for the photos. A First Look is a sweet moment between the bride and groom and provides many opportunities for amazing photos.



A Private Dinner With the Groom



I have been in several weddings where the bride and groom hardly get a chance to eat! My husband and I were sure to schedule 20 minutes directly after the ceremony to eat privately before being announced. It helped that we had a first look and all our bridal party and family photos beforehand (which I also recommend.)

Our private dinner was special and practical. We got the basic needs out of the way from the top. It allowed us to have fun the rest of the night and be fully engaged with all our guests.




Going Bold


This will look different for everyone, but for every area I opted bold, I was so pleased on the day of! I am glad I went bold with my music. My band was so much fun. I also played a song from the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack for my walk down the aisle and it was one of my favorite things about my wedding. My gloves were bold for me, and I loved them. We sang a hymn during the service; it felt bold to ask everyone to sing, yet very unifying. If you are on the fence about a decision, I recommend going bold!



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