The Southern Siren

own the narrative


Hemingway says to simply write one true sentence.

I love to write.

There it is, plain and true. I do not know what constitutes a writer or what defines a good writer or what justifies calling oneself a writer, but if loving the art has any bearing on the matter, than let it be known; I love to write. And so here I am, writing. For starters, I am writing about the places I have been, the people I have met, what I have seen, things I enjoy. And I should warn you, I often use fragments like the one you just read. Rules are meant to be broken sometimes. Perhaps you can find it in your heart to forgive my proclivity of ignoring grammar rules I don’t like. And perhaps you will find yourself enjoying a bit of my prose. If nothing else, my mother will. And I have convinced myself that Hemingway would too.


Much love,
