Posts tagged young professional
Expanding Your Social Circle

Outside of networking groups, there are not half as many in person forums as what was available to us as kids. As I encourage myself to get back out there to reestablish faded friendships and create new ones, I found myself at a loss of how to go about it. I have felt more awkward than ever, often at a loss of what to say or forgetting my thoughts mid-sentence.

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Reflections of a Young Professional

Young professionals often find ourselves in a strange position. Commonly, we are recruited for our energy, education, talents, and belief in our innate ability to be amazing at social media. Organizations recognize that we hold the key to taking the message of an established entity and translating it to our peers and the younger generation in a way that is compelling. Sounds great, right? But several things happen that cause a disconnect between young professionals and the more seasoned professionals that hire us.

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Soul Sundays

I grew up with the concept of the Sabbath. A day of rest. A day to recharge. A day without demands.

As I have gotten older, a day of rest has become less and less likely. As a workaholic, weekends are typically just as packed as a weekday. Chances are, I spend my off days working on a side project, traveling to or from someplace, grocery shopping, or cleaning.

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This is Thirty

What’s the most important lesson you learned in your twenties?

It seems like an obvious question, yet until my friend asked me this last night I had not considered it. As I transition out of my twenties, I have been taking a look back at 30 of my most proud moments from this past decade. A primary motivator for this walk down memory lane has been to keep me from giving myself a list of things I want to do in this upcoming decade. I have a tendency to push myself forward without giving myself space to pause and appreciate a job well done.

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